To see adoptable animals from The Almost Home Project visit

Fostering Pets

Foster care application


Type of pet you want to foster___________________________________________ 

Your name:______________________________________



Home Phone:___________________Cell phone:________________
Work phone:_________________




Drivers license/ID #:____________Drivers license/ID expiration date:___________Birthdate:________


Reasons why you are considering fostering. Please be specific:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Do you currently live in a:

__house__apartment__mobile__other Do you:___own ___rent ___live with relatives or friends


Do you have a regular veterinarian that you use? Please provide their name and address:_________________________________________________________________________


How many people live in your household?________________________________________________


_____Number of children (please list ages of children)_____________________________________


Does anyone in your household have allergies to animals?____________________________________


Are you familiar with Animal Control laws in your area where you live regarding licenses?_________________________________________________________________________


Have you ever fostered for an animal shelter or rescue organization?

If so, which organization?____________________________________________________________



Please provide the following information for all dogs and cats you currently own or have owned in the past: Name, breed, age, sex, spayed/neutered, how long did you have this pet, what happened to this pet?____________________________________________________________________________



If you have a fenced yard, what type of fence? Height of fence?________________________________


For dogs only: How will you keep this pet confined to your yard?

___fence ___dog run ___stake in ground ___other


This pet will be kept:

___indoors only ___Outdoors only ___In/Out


For cats only: This pet will be kept:

___indoors only ___outdoors only ____In/Out


Please list two references that live closest to you (friend or relative, etc.) Please provide their name, address and phone number:___________________________________________________________



I have read and understand this foster care application. I agree to abide by these guidelines. By signing below. Please sign and date:

__________________________________________________________________ Signed

Foster Care Agreement

__________________________________________________________________ Signed Date

I,___________________________in consideration of fostering_________________by permission of the AHC, I certify that I understand and will abide by the following conditions.


Please initial each item:

_____1.   I understand that the foster animal(s) is only temporarily in my care and remains the property of AHC.


_____2.   I understand that the purpose of the foster relationship is solely to provide care for the foster animal(s) and make the foster animal(s)adoptable.


_____3.   I understand that any and all adoptions of foster animals will be made through AHC and are subject to the same guidelines as any other adoption. Foster Care Volunteers are encouraged  tto assist in the placement process of their foster animal(s) but cannot make any decisions regarding the final placement of the animal(s).


_____4.   I agree to surrender the foster animal(s) to AHC at the end of the foster care period or immediately upon request.


_____5.   I will not relinquish custody of the foster animal(s) to anyone except AHC. I understand that if I cannot care for the animal(s) for any reason, even temporarily, I must bring the fosteranimal(s) back to the shelter.


_____6.   I will return the foster animal(s) to AHC for periodic checkups and regular vaccinations.


_____7.   I will administer medications to the foster animal(s) as recommended and supplied by AHC.


_____8.   I will notify AHC immediately if a foster animal is lost, injured or becomes ill and needs immediate medical care.


_____9.   I will not place the foster animal(s) in a dangerous situation, including, but not limited to, riding in an open pick up truck or being left unattended in a vehicle.


_____10. I agree to keep the foster animal(s) in the house as a beloved family member.


_____11. I agree to keep all foster cats and kittens indoors at ALL times.


_____12. I agree to keep all foster dogs and puppies in a secure area, preferably a crate or kennel run. I will not allow the foster dogs and puppies off-leash except in a secure fenced area of my property.


_____13. I will not use chains or other devices to tether the foster animal(s) as a means of confinement.


_____14. I will use a choke collar only is training the dog on a leash. it will not be left on the foster dog while unattended.


_____15. I will assure that the foster animal(s) always wears the collar and id tags provided by AHC. 

_____16. I will feed, water, groom, exercise and socialize the foster animal(s) as appropriate.


_____17. I will comply with all laws and ordinances that apply to the foster animal(s) and my guardianship of it in the area where I reside and/or house the animal(s).


_____18. I will not use the foster animal(s) for any medical or experimental purpose.


_____19. I understand that AHC may examine and inquire about the foster animal(s) at any time. If AHC determines that I am not complying with this agreement in any way, AHC may reclaim the animal(s) and is entitled to enter onto my property to do so.


_____20. I understand that AHC cannot guarantee or be held responsible for the behavior, mental condition or temperament of the foster animal(s). I understand that the actions of animals are oftenunpredictable and I agree that the foster animal(s) will be closely supervised by me, particularly when the foster animal(s) is with children.


_____21. I understand that it is my decision to foster animal(s) for AHC. I am aware that foster animals may cause damage to my personal property, other pets and humans. I will not holdAHC liable for any damage, injury or harm caused directly or indirectly trough my foster care volunteer position with AHC.


_____22. I understand that the "Foster Care Application" that I completed to qualify as a foster care volunteer is incorporated fully as part of this agreement. Any misrepresentation by me on that application is a breach of this agreement that entitles AHC to reclaim the foster animal(s) and to terminate my foster care volunteer position if AHC so chooses.


_____23. I have read and understand the mission of AHC and will not take any actions that could be considered inconsistent with the mission. I understand that my foster care volunteer position will be terminated if my conduct is deemed in opposition of the mission of AHC or detrimental to the best interests of AHC.




PRINT NAME__________________________________________






PHONE _______________________________________________



Please turn foster forms in to Almost Home Coalition, PO Box 1421, Chehalis, WA 98532.

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